1D/2D QuickSort

1D/2D QuickSort™ is an algorithm that empowers Modular
Vision Tunnels with the DataMan 580 to decode multisymbo-logy labels up to three times faster than conventional
methods. This technology is designed to increase
throughput on high speed lines with short package gaps.

1DMax with Hotbars Technology

1DMax® with Hotbars®is optimizedfor omnidirectional
1D barcode reading, decoding up to 10x the speed of a conventional barcode reader, even with increased noise, limited contrast, and damage.

2DMax with PowerGrid

2DMax® with PowerGrid® is a breakthrough 2D decoding
algorithm and technology designed to read 2D codes with
significant damage to or complete elimination of a code’s
finder pattern, clocking pattern, or quiet zone.

Symbolic Light Technology

Unlike conventional methods, the 3D-A1000 uses patented 3D symbolic light technology to freeze motion with a single image.This generates more accurate 3D point cloud data, eliminating the need for complex calibration and encoder integration.

Edge Intelligence

Cognex Edge Intelligence (EI) technology transforms big data into smart data to improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and throughput. EI allows users to configure multiple devices at once and begin trending important system performance measurements within minutes. Users can be alerted when issues occur, and operators can identify root causes faster and resolve them sooner using powerful analytics and image view tools.


OCRMax™, a font-trainable optical character recognitionand verification (OCRand OCV) tool, hasset industryrecords for ease of use, read rates andspeedincompleximages. This powerful algorithm prevents misreads, handles process variations, and provides easyfont management.